Grace Hopper

Birth:December 9, 1906

Major Academic Events:Earned Bacjelor's Degree from Vassar College, and got her Master's And PhD from Yale.

Contributions to Computer Science: Grace Hopper is most congratulated for her part in the creation of the computer languages COBOL and FLO-MATIC. She developed the FLO-MATIC to aid in the use of the UNIVAC I computer and when she decided to create another coding language (COBOL) she based it off of FLO-MATIC.

Britannica Biography

Yale Biography

Sceintific women Grace Hopper

Tim Burners Lee

Birth:June 8, 1955

Major Academic Events:Graduated from Oxford University

Contributions to Computer Science: Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web and the hyperlink. Although Lee bounced around companies for a while he found his place in CERN where he created the first hyperlink. Lee worked for 12 years at CERN until he invented the World Wide Web, and the first browser.

Britannica Biography

Hedy Lamarr

June 1941: Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil submit patent for radio frequency hopping

Vinton G. Cerf

Birth:June 23, 1943

Major Academic Events:Got his Bachelor's degree in mathematics from Stanford. After he moved to UCLA he obtained his Master's degree and Doctorate in computer science.

Contributions to Computer Science: Most well known as the father of the internet, Vinton G. Cerf worked on many important protocols for the internet. Cerf worked on the TCP/IP protocols the most, and these protocols allowed for the transfering and receiving of data between networks. Cerf also played a big part in the Internet Society (ISOC) which promoted the usage of the internet to the public.

Britannica Biography

Nist Gov

National Science Board